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College & Career Resources

The insider’s guide to life’s biggest decisions.

When your personal learner journey interacts with billions of college and career data points, finding and securing your dream destination is easy

College Resources

Google doesn’t understand
you like Parchment does.

We can connect you with the right colleges and increase your chance of acceptance in ways the rest of the internet can’t. Put our data to work and discover the possibilities.

student ordering college transcripts

College Rankings

Read real college reviews from Parchment students

Discover which schools are ranked highest and lowest in terms of experience, academics, location, and lifestyle by real Parchment students.

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HE higher education student with academic records

Pathway to College Scholarship

Earn scholarship dollars for planning early

When it comes to planning for college, the earlier students can prepare, the better. At Parchment, we strive to help students develop a college-bound culture that starts during freshman year. To demonstrate our commitment to the educational community, we created the Pathway to College Scholarship.

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woman in workforce reviewing her credentials

College Checklists

Get the definitive list for college-bound students on what to do and when to do it

Getting into college seems like a long list of things you need to do. Letters of recommendation to collect, records to send. It seems to go on and on. That’s why we created these college preparation checklists for busy college-bound students.

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woman reviewing academic records

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