Learner Account
Central Kitsap High School Logo

Central Kitsap High School

10140 Frontier Pl NW, Silverdale, WA, 98383, US

A message from Central Kitsap High School
Central Kitsap School District offers this service to make ordering transcripts easier for you. Parchment is efficient and will deliver your transcript to the colleges you choose in the format colleges prefer, all with real-time tracking. For video tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions visit the Parchment Help Center.
Please allow 2 school days for transcript requests to be processed.
Questions or problems? Current students contact Mrs. Mohs in the CKHS counseling office at (360) 662-2443 or StacyM@ckschools.org. If you are a former CKHS student and have any additional questions, please email our Records Specialist at archivesgeneraledrecords@ckschools.org
A few helpful tips:
1. When signing up for a Parchment account, be sure to use your personal email address (not your school email address), as you will no longer have access to your school email after you graduate.
Also, ATTENTION PARENTS, it is best for students to create their own Parchment account (with their own email and password). This avoids account duplication problems within Parchment and allows students to use Parchment for themselves beyond the age of 18.
2. Email a transcript to yourself and review your transcript carefully. It is important that you check that your transcript is accurate.
3. The transcript stored in your Parchment account link will not update automatically. To access to the latest version, request a new transcript through your account. You will then receive a new email with a link to your current transcript.
4. Attention Seniors: Towards the end of your senior year, to complete your post-secondary education enrollment, your college/university will expect to receive your FINAL high school transcript AFTER GRADUATION. Follow these directions to request your "Final Transcript": On the SELECT DESTINATION page, choose the college/university you will be attending. Then under "When do you want this sent?", select the "Hold for Grades" option.
Note: If you have already graduated from CKHS, select "Send Now" (not "Hold for Grades") to have your final transcript sent to a college/university. If you are a former CKHS student and have any additional questions, please email our Records Specialist at archivesgeneraledrecords@ckschools.org or (360) 662-9270.
5. To obtain and/or send your SAT, ACT or AP test scores, go to www.collegeboard.org.

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