Learner Account

Tacoma Community College
6501 S 19th St, Tacoma, WA, 98466-6100, US
A message from Tacoma Community College
Students can order transcripts or replacement diplomas through this service.
Transcripts are $11 per transcript. Replacement Diplomas are $10 per diploma. If a student has earned multiple degrees and/or certificates, student is required to submit a request for each degree or certificate needed.
Parchment accounts are not connected to your ctcLink login. Therefore, the majority of students will need to create a Parchment Learner account.
The average processing time is currently 5 business days for transcripts and 14 business days for diplomas. Transcript requests that are put on hold will be cancelled after 90 days if they have not been resolved.
Unofficial transcripts can be accessed for free. Please visit https://tacomacc.edu/enrollmentservices and search for transcripts for information on accessing unofficial transcripts.
If you are ordering your GED transcript, please visit https://ged.com/life_after_ged/
A transcript is an academic record of a student's coursework, including grades and any credentials (degree, diplomas, or certificates) awarded at Tacoma Community College.
A diploma is a certificate presented to a student by TCC for successfully completing a degree, diploma, or certificate. Student receives a diploma at no charge after graduating. This service is for an additional copy of their diploma. If transferring to a different institution, most require an official transcript not diploma.
If you have questions regarding your order, please email enrollmentservices@tacomacc.edu
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