Learner Account
Fairhope High School Logo

Fairhope High School

1 Pirate Dr, 18800 Greeno Rd, Fairhope, AL, 36532-7085, US

A message from Fairhope High School
Welcome to Parchment. We're offering this service to make ordering transcripts easier for you. It's also more efficient for your school, and will deliver your transcripts to the colleges you choose in the format they prefer.
Please be aware that transcripts typically take up to 1 week to be sent.
If you have any questions about Parchment, select the "help" link above.
Baldwin County Public Schools will close at 4:00 p.m. on 12/20/2024 and will re-open on 01/06/2025. We will process any transcript requests received over the break upon our return. Happy holidays!

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