Learner Account
Kaplan North America Logo

Kaplan North America

12735 Morris Rd, Suite 260, Alpharetta, GA, 30004-8904, US

A message from Kaplan North America
Welcome to Parchment. We're offering this service to make ordering transcripts easier for you. It's also more efficient for your school and will deliver your transcripts to the colleges you choose in the format they prefer. This service is for closed colleges under Kaplan Higher Education campuses. For a complete list, please visit https://kaplan.com/closed-campus-information.
Please note that for certain closed campuses, there is an official transcript ordering form. This applies to JPS Health Institute, Delta Career Institute and Kaplan School of Continuing Education.
If you attended Kaplan University campuses and/or online for a degree program and not a continuing education program, please note that these records and university are now under Purdue as Purdue University Global. (purdueglobal.edu)
Some campuses were acquired from Kaplan in 2015, and they were renamed to Brightwood College or Brightwood Career Institute. Kaplan is unable to issue documents for these campuses. Please go to https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/34955/institution. Records for the Lubbock, TX campus only are ordered through Virginia College at https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/25040097/institution.

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