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Carroll University

100 N East Ave, Waukesha, WI, 53186-3103, US

A message from Carroll University
Welcome to Parchment and the Carroll University Storefront!
New to Parchment?
- Create an account and start your order. Please use your personal email for your account. Transcripts must be sent directly to the recipients, if official copies are needed.
Spring 2024 Grades & Degrees?
- Please wait to order your transcript until after semester grades are posted or when degrees are conferred. There is not a hold for grade option, and you will be charged whether your transcript is complete or not.
Hold on my transcript?
- In some circumstances, federal law prohibits the university from withholding your transcript as a result of an unpaid student account balance. If you have a student account hold, please contact the Business Office for assistance requesting a transcript. The Business Office can be reached at 262-524-7337 or busoff@carrollu.edu.
- If you have further questions, please reach out to the Registrar Office at Reg@carrollu.edu.
- If you are encountering issues with the Parchment site functionality, please contact their customer support: 1 (847) 716 3005
- If you have further questions, please reach out to: Reg@carrollu.edu

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