Higher Ed
A Discussion on AI in College Admissions
The caps and gowns are out once again. Your students are ready to switch their tassels to the opposite side – and are probably double-checking if it’s right-to-left or left-to-right as we speak. As they prepare to walk across the stage and toast to their achievement, your team is buried in the responsibilities of commencement. Top of the list is, of course, processing the diplomas and the other credentials your graduates are eager to have in their hands.
The last thing you want to do is ruin the celebrations with slow turnarounds and overworked staff. With Parchment on your team, you can get through commencement season without any nail-biting stress. Here’s how:
At Parchment, we believe credential exchange should unlock new opportunities, not cause unnecessary headaches or roadblocks. That’s why we designed a platform that makes it easy for you and your team to manage diplomas, process requests and deliver to students in record time, plus in the format they want.
For starters, the robust administrator console allows you to manage multiple templates for different academic programs and perform real-time quality control. No spelling mistakes or degree inaccuracies for your students! Once the documents are ready to go, issuing comes just as easy. Digital diplomas are instantly downloadable, allowing graduates to share their success via email and social media while they wait just five to seven days for the print version to arrive. We’ll also send tracking updates so no one’s in the dark about diploma whereabouts.
College graduation might mean employment for some students, but others are headed to another classroom. Our best-in-class transcript services can help you handle these document requests just as seamlessly as the diplomas. We offer print and digital fulfillment, as well as touch-free automation, flexible integration, real-time verification and tracking information, elevated security and risk management. Get ready for a transformative experience because things are about to change for the better around the office.
With Parchment’s comprehensive platform, you can grant your students all the academic and professional credentials they need for their next steps. Along with diplomas and transcripts, there are certifications, badges, licenses and more. You can manage all these credentials in one place and give your students easy access to ordering print and digital versions of their documents. It might just be the most effortless win-win situation you’ve ever experienced.
As your partner in turning credential transactions into meaningful exchanges, Parchment is always there with a helping hand. Along with integrated online and phone support, we also provide free training and resources for your team. And when you work with one vendor for all of your credential management needs, the real win is that when something goes awry, there’s only one number to call.
Parchment can be your trusted partner during commencement season and beyond. Learn more about our complete suite of services for higher education registrars and administrations, and schedule a demo to see the platform in action.