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How Colleges Can Help Students Prepare for Graduation

Parchment Staff  •  Mar 04, 2019  •  Blog

With yet another graduation season around the corner, it’s time to start preparing students for their final days on campus. As keepers of all the pertinent graduation information, school administrators are important resources for students leading up to the milestone.

Here’s how college and university staff can help students prepare for the big day and beyond:

Relay the important info

There are a lot of logistics involved in graduation – and no one knows them more intimately than college registrars, advisors and administrative personnel. Make sure there’s a system in place that allows the experts to share all the details, making information easily accessible to all soon-to-be graduates. We’re talking graduation applications, cap-and-gown order information, diploma details and so on.

Students and their families will naturally want to make plans well in advance, so make sure the commencement weekend schedule is available online ASAP. Include directions to the venue, ceremony length estimates, dress code requirements, contingency plans for bad weather and answers to all other logistical questions.

The last semester of college can be a wild one, so be sure to send plenty of reminder emails so students are aware of their role in graduation preparations.

Tout the alumni resources

Your graduates will earn an automatic spot in the school’s alumni network, but you can help them understand what exactly that membership affords them. For starters, it provides prime networking opportunities. In fact, in a recent Forbes article about life after graduation, senior contributor Kathy Caprino revealed that alumni networks are among the top resources graduates can leverage to build their careers beyond campus.

In making sure students are aware of the available alumni resources, you can also ensure graduates remain connected to campus well after earning their diplomas.

Help them land the job

The first full-time gig after college is by far the hardest to secure – and the thought of unemployment after the celebrations end is likely a top stressor for upcoming grads. The good news is that college staff can help students secure gainful employment. Encourage students to take advantage of career services before their time is up on campus, especially for resume and interview guidance.

Colleges can also better prepare graduates to meet employer expectations. For instance, the most recent Employer Research Report from the Association of American Colleges & Universities reported that 76 percent of executives and 87 percent of hiring managers believe the ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings is a very important quality for recent graduates. Programs that boast experiential learning opportunities, such as internships and co-ops, can better prepare students for professional reality.

Grant them digital credentials

Digital diplomas and transcripts are available for instant access, meaning students can send their credentials to potential employers effective virtually immediately. When you use Parchment’s verified credential services for higher education, those employers will trust the validity of the information your graduates send. And without further ado, your graduates can turn their diplomas into opportunities- without any frustrating delays.


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