Higher Ed
A Discussion on AI in College Admissions
From high school to college, from one college to another college or from college to the workforce, learners across the United States need to provide their academic credentials to gain access to admission or employment. More than 7,400 high schools, colleges and universities across the country rely on Parchment’s industry leading academic credential management system to aid in the digital exchange of these learner’s credentials.
In North Carolina alone, schools like Elon University and Durham Technical Community College are part of Parchment’s expansive member network that today enables digital credential request and fulfillment to 22 percent of US enrollments in secondary schools and 15 percent of enrollments in postsecondary schools.
Carolinas College of Health Sciences is currently working to implement Parchment to join its rich member network. A top-ranked two-year college located in Charlotte, North Carolina, Carolinas College of Health Sciences will be able to offer current student and alumni immediate access to request the digital exchange of their credentials to any other college, university or professional organization in the world.
The college selected Parchment’s services based on the size of Parchment’s member network, ease of implementation and Parchment’s proven track record of helping to improve student services.
Parchment has worked with schools and learners for more than 10 years to make the process of requesting and sending credentials faster, easier and more secure than ever before. This summer, the company facilitated the exchange of its 20 millionth credential request. Digitizing credentials helps to streamline operations for both the sending and receiving institutions, and enables receiving colleges and universities to use the data to optimize course placement, transfer articulation and reverse transfer.