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Parchment’s College Tools – a FREE Resource for High School Students & Counselors!

Parchment Staff  •  May 18, 2020  •  Blog

Build Your College List (and More) with Parchment’s (Free) College Tools

If you’re a high school junior or senior, this is most likely an especially stressful time for you – and not just because you’re homeschooling during a pandemic. Virtual prom anyone?

If you’ve already started creating a list of potential colleges and universities you’re interested in attending (or you’ve been putting it off), you may be feeling a bit anxious and overwhelmed. Luckily, Parchment has your back with the tools you need, not just to build your initial list, but throughout the entire college admissions process.

Introducing a Better Way

Parchment College Tools make it easier than ever for you to create your college list and quickly share it with your counselor, a teacher writing you a recommendation letter, or anyone else helping you with the application process.

And, that’s not all! With College Tools, you can also keep all your college-related information organized, determine if there are other schools to consider, compare yourself to other applicants (average SAT scores, the academic performance of those accepted, top majors), and take a deep dive into a wealth of information about individual schools (tuition, application deadline, admission stats…). They save you time from combing through individual institution’s websites.

Getting Started

Where do you even begin your search? Not on Google! All you have to do is create your student profile on Parchment, provide information about your academics, and add schools that interest you. Based on your GPA, SAT scores, extracurricular activities, and other self-reported data, the College List tool displays your statistical chance of being accepted by your top schools. The more information you provide in your profile, the more accurate picture of who you are and what you’ve accomplished is revealed.

With this information in hand, your counselor can more easily help you achieve your college goals. Understanding the probability of being accepted at various schools can save you hundreds of dollars in application fees. By having a more focused list of schools, you’re better equipped to apply and get admitted to institutions that meet your needs and wants.

Wait There’s More

Here are some additional free resources available to you with College Tools:

  • College Matches: Get a display of similar schools outside of your region (or those you’ve not thought of) with your chance of admission. Just select one (or more) to add to your list.
  • College Search: Search on a specific school for a quick overview of that school’s profile.
  • College Rankings: View a list of schools ranked using a complex algorithm based on student preferences.
  • College Match Up: Compare two schools to help determine which to accept. See which schools are chosen most often.


View the Video (Students & Counselors)

Our free, data-driven online tools are powered by real admissions data from hundreds of thousands of students just like you. Watch this 15-minute video tutorial to learn how to get the most from College Tools. Your college admissions journey just got a lot easier.

For Counselors

If you’re a high school counselor, college tools are a great resource to pass along to your students. The data – predictions, rankings, recommendations, and more – learners share with you will be invaluable for you both. This is a great summer learning assignment for Juniors! Enjoy!


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