Higher Ed
A Discussion on AI in College Admissions
Parchment is redesigning our website!
We’d love to get YOUR help while we are in the designing phases. We are looking for high schools and colleges that send or receive academic credentials to participate. It’s important to note that you DO NOT need to be part of the Parchment member network to help. In fact, we’d love to hear from those of you that have not yet experienced Parchment.
Participating in the usability test will require no more than 30 minutes of your time and can be done from any place, as long as you have an internet connection and telephone. In exchange for your time, we will happily thank you with a $25 Starbucks gift card.
To determine if you qualify, please email feedback@parchment.com and include your name and title, the name of your institution and identify if you have an existing relationship with Parchment. Our team will review all emails and reply directly should you qualify.
Thank you for helping shaping the Parchment experience.