How a California System Is Using Course Sharing to Improve Student Success
Taking the Road to Innovation: 5 Steps to Empower Your Learners through Credential Innovation
Our Parchment team is focused on providing service to members, learners, and the community. We help turn credentials into opportunities, smoothing enrollment and employment pathways.
The last 12 months have revealed that many credentials are still paper-based. They are fragmented, disconnected, opaque, one-dimensional, and not socially enabled. Most important, they don’t represent the entire education experience: what learners know and how well they know it.
At each step along a learner’s employment and enrollment pathways, a credential is exchanged.
Credentials Reinvented
Wherever you are in your digital credential strategy, this 5-step process can help.
What’s Next?
Contact Parchment to start the conversation about innovating YOUR credentials.
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