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Blog Series: 4 Reasons to Consider Targeted Recruitment Methods: Targeted Marketing Efforts Encourage More Diversity in Enrollment

Parchment Staff  •  Sep 27, 2021  •  Blog
targeted recruitment methods for more diversity in enrollment

A 4-part blog series: 4 Reasons to Consider Targeted Recruitment Methods – Part 2: Targeted Marketing Efforts Encourage More Diversity in Enrollment

Higher education institutions have traditionally leaned on generic list buys to reach potential students. Instead of creating individualized marketing collateral that focuses on connecting with students in a more personalized way, schools are casting a wide net with broad messages that do not help their institution stand out. With the shift to test-optional and enrollment in higher education becoming more challenging, institutions have started looking more closely at how they can increase the conversion of prospective students that they have access to. 

In this series of 4 blog posts, 4 Reasons to Consider Targeted Recruitment Methods, we will share a few reasons to consider a more targeted recruitment method moving forward.

Institutions understand the importance of creating a more diverse community across their campus. So many universities have made inclusivity and diversity top priorities as they target specific markets and encourage them to enroll. 

Making the initial effort to market to different groups of students may be considered the easy part. It’s all about creating a strong foundation that encourages students to enroll but also stick around. As the American Marketing Association stated, “simply increasing student diversity without addressing equity gaps may be a short-term or even harmful pursuit.” The idea of increasing diversity comes with good intention, but without the right structure in place, it can look like a ploy to increase enrollment data without paying attention to the long-term benefit of the student. 

Assessing the problem  

College enrollment goals weigh heavily on demographics and location. According to the Center for American Progress, there has been a major decline in public college enrollment over the past five years, specifically in Black and Latinx students. Understanding non-completion rates and identifying early indicators as to why students are leaving college early or dismissing enrollment altogether are a few ways to address the problem. Better understanding courses that pique interest early on is a way to keep students around. This poses an opportunity to better market to these groups of students and ensure they complete their collegiate journey.

Assessing these factors can be very useful for higher education institutions that are looking to target these demographics.

“We have disproportionate dropout rates that impact Latino, Black, Native American students at higher rates,” said Wil Del Pilar, vice president of higher education policy and practice at the Education Trust, a Washington, D.C.-based group advocating for equity in education. “We need to find on-ramps for those populations. Are there on-ramps for community colleges that we should be investing in so we can get more students up to that high school equivalency or some level of credential that will allow them to participate in an effective way and earn a living wage?”

Targeted marketing with student success in mind can benefit all parties. With the right plan in place, there will be a positive impact on student retention and post-graduation outcomes. 

Parchment has a solution to help you meet and increase your enrollment goals. 

Creating a more diverse community with Parchment

Targeted recruitment methods can put your institution in a better position to find a diverse group of students who are interested in the programs offered within your organization. This can give you the leverage needed to encourage students to consider your school and nurture their success throughout the program, all while helping you reach your goals for enrollment.  

At Parchment, we can help you meet your enrollment goals with Parchment Recruit. This product is built to deliver real-time student data so you have the necessary information to make the best-informed decisions toward student enrollment plans.


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