
Student Recruiting: Meet The Need For Speed With Parchment Analyze Inquiries

Parchment Staff  •  May 29, 2019  •  Blog

If you are on the recruiting side of your admissions team, you know that “speed to lead” can affect enrollments. In this competitive market, not responding or responding too slowly to potential applicant inquiries increases the likelihood that those students will go elsewhere.

Inquiries generated from digital marketing campaigns are high-interest prospects. However, students are usually looking at two to three other schools. According to the Education Dynamics 2018 Online College Students Report, 61% of students enroll at the first institution that contacts them. It’s at this point that speed to lead becomes important. And it’s also where Parchment Analyze Inquiries can help.

Parchment Analyze is our unified analytics platform that evaluates the transcripts, diplomas and badges your office processes on a daily basis and provides key data insights that help you create the highest probability of enrollment success. Now with new Analyze Inquiries, you get a heads up when a student is interested in your school so you can respond quickly to capture that lead.

Here’s how it works

During the Parchment registration process, students opt-in to share their data. When a student expresses an interest in your institution, Parchment sends that inquiry to your admissions department. All you have to do is respond. It’s that simple!

A Study Portals blog post stresses the importance of speed to contact. According to their research, 20% of the world’s top 500 universities did not respond to student inquiries at all, and 68% of the remaining institutions that did reply never sent a second or third email or reminders to their prospective students.

Now you can meet your enrollment goals and outperform your competitors with Analyze Inquiries. Capture student prospects when they first express interest in you and quickly reach out to let them know you are interested in them. Then use real-time Analyze data to continue to nurture your relationships with best-fit students.

Learn more about Parchment Analyze and Analyze Inquiries today.