Learner Account
Lowell Senior Logo

Lowell Senior

2051 E Commercial Ave, Lowell, IN, 46356-2197, US

A message from Lowell Senior
Welcome to Parchment. We're offering this service to make ordering transcripts easier for you. It's also more efficient for your school, and will deliver your transcripts to the colleges you choose in the format they prefer. If you have any questions about Parchment, select the "help" link above. You'll get an email when each transcript is sent, and, best of all, when they are delivered. This service will also allow you to have your official transcripts delivered to nationwide colleges and universities.
Between the dates of June 21st and August 11th transcripts will be released on Mondays only.
Students who graduated before 2015 will have to go to the high school's website to fill out a request form to obtain a copy of their transcripts. There will be a three dollar charge for this service. If you have any questions please call the high school at 219-696-7733.

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