All transcript orders are manually verified by the Highline College Enrollment Services staff. Please read all instructions and questions carefully. If you have never ordered from Parchment before, please create a "New Learner Account." This is separate from your myHighline account.
We highly recommend using your ctcLink ID number (starts with 1 or 2). If you do not know your ctcLink ID number, then you can provide your former SID (starts with 8 or 9).
If you do not know your student ID number, then you can email with your information (current name, previous name(s), birthdate, last 4 digits off SSN/TIN) to request your SID number. If you are unable to obtain your SID, please type in "unknown" in the section for the student ID number. Additionally, If you do not have a social security number, please type in "0000."
If you are not sure how to fill out the form, please contact 206-592-3506 or email