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Tulane University

6823 Saint Charles Ave, 210 Gibson Hall, New Orleans, LA, 70118-5698, US

A message from Tulane University
Welcome, Tulane Students and Alumni!
Medical Students:
Students working toward or having earned an MD should contact the School of Medicine directly with their transcript requests. Please visit https://medicine.tulane.edu/education/graduate-medical-education/credentialing-fees for more information.
Pre-1980 Public Health Records:
Please send email requests to SPHTMSTUDENTSERVICES@tulane.edu or call (504) 988-7642. Requests via fax should be sent to fax (504)988-0907. Requests are processed within 3 business days. (Additional time may be required at graduation and registration.) Requests should include any/all names used, date of birth, date of graduation and degree earned.
University Alliance MBA Certificate - If ordering records for the University Alliance MBA non-credit certificate program, please contact University Alliance at 1-800-404-7355. Do not order your records through this service.

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