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Kolbe Academy

1600 F St, Napa, CA, 94559-1034, US

A message from Kolbe Academy
Parchment provides efficient and secure electronic transcript delivery nationwide with up-to-date tracking through email notifications for all registered users.
Although most orders are fulfilled within 3 business days, please allow a minimum of 7-14 business days for processing of all requests, especially during peak seasons such as summer and near fall college application deadlines. Transcripts ordered through Parchment over the weekend or during holiday breaks will not be processed until our office re-opens. Please keep this in mind as many college application deadlines fall around holidays when our office is closed.
TRANSCRIPT: Please order transcripts for an inventory of high school courses, grades, and credits. Details on "Final Transcripts" may be found below.
K-8 RECORD: For records of coursework prior to high school, please order a K-8 Record. More details on K-8 Records may be found below.
DIPLOMA: A copy of your high school diploma. Please note: New graduates will receive a complimentary copy of their diploma in the mail after your graduation application has been processed. Ordering a copy via Parchment is not necessary.
GRADUATION VERIFICATION: A letter verifying graduation may be provided to graduates to confirm student's name, DOB, and graduation date.
ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION: A letter verifying enrollment may be provided to students currently enrolled in Kolbe Academy.
The transcript on view is not necessarily the most recent version. Click “update” at the bottom of the transcript window to request the updated version to be uploaded. Please only do this after you have received an updated grade report from advising staff or online grades have posted. We send out the most recent version, which may not match the version in your self-view if you haven’t updated after changes were made to your transcript.
Select "Hold for Grades" if online grades that you want included have not yet posted in your Portal after the end of the term. Please see School Calendar for dates.
Select "Hold for Grades" if you have not received an updated grade report after sending in your student's portfolio & you would like those grades included on a transcript. Transcripts will then be processed after you have received your updated grade report from an advisor.
(Please note: Grade reports are processed in the order in which they are received and may take approximately 5-6 weeks. During high volume times of the year, the turnaround times may be longer. If you have questions about your student's grade report, please contact your advisor.)
Please order a K-8 Record and not a transcript. Transcripts only list high school coursework. High school courses that received credit in 8th grade will appear on a high school transcript and on a student's 8th grade report. 8th grade coursework that did not receive high school credit will not appear on a transcript. Please order a K-8 record for a report of grades earned before high school.
All final official transcripts are fulfilled via Parchment after a student has graduated. We are only able to fulfill final official transcript requests after we have received & processed the student's Graduation Application. This important step is *required* to finalize a student's transcript by placing a graduation date on it. Colleges & other institutions will expect a final transcript to have a graduation date. Graduation Application Form: https://fs11.formsite.com/KolbeAcademy/form91/index.html
For answers to other questions, please carefully review our Transcript & Record Request FAQ at:
Parchment should be contacted for questions regarding registration, the ordering process, or user issues with the Parchment website: https://parchmentsupport.force.com/
If you've selected Kolbe Academy as your school and your Family Advisor as your Counselor, you do not need to place a transcript order to be sent to Common App or any college or university you are applying to using Common App. Your Family Advisor will upload an official transcript as part of your School Report in Common App. Please see our Help Center article on Common App and reach out to your Family Advisor if you are unsure about placing a Parchment order. Please note that we will assume orders placed in Parchment without a hold need to be fulfilled immediately.
Common App Help Center Article: https://help.kolbe.org/kb/article/129-common-application/
For answers to other questions, please carefully review our Transcript & Record Request FAQ at:
Parchment should be contacted for questions regarding registration, the ordering process, or user issues with the Parchment website: https://parchmentsupport.force.com/
If you have a question about an order or a pending deadline, please email your Family Advisor at any time for support and guidance related to transcripts or other needs. Alumni and former students without a Family Advisor may email advisors@kolbe.org for additional support.

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