Learner Account

Jersey College
546 US Highway 46, Teterboro, NJ, 07608, US
A message from Jersey College
Welcome to Parchment. Jersey College is offering this service to make ordering transcripts and diplomas easier for you. If you have any questions about Parchment, please contact Learner Support at 847-716-3005.
Remember that the College will use reasonable efforts to process your request for an official transcript or diploma within seven (7) business days, though the processing time may be extended near the end or start of an academic term. Below is a copy of Jersey College's Transcript Policy for both official and unofficial transcripts. If you have questions with regards to the Transcript Policy, please contact your campus.
Transcript Policy
Official Transcripts
Students are eligible to receive an official transcript that includes all the credit or clock hours for payment periods in which a student received Title IV, HEA funds and for which all institutional charges were either (i) paid at the time the request is made or (ii) subject to an installment plan with the College and the student is current on such plan at the time the request is made. Jersey College may withhold from transcripts credit or clock hours completed in a payment period where the student has unpaid institutional charges. For example, a student has completed 50 credits of classes and then withdrew while owing a balance of $500 for a payment period in which they completed six credits. The college will release the student’s transcript only with the 44 credits he/she completed and paid for while receiving federal financial aid; the other six credits will not be included in the transcript.
Transcripts are subject to a fee. To preserve confidentiality, verbal requests will not be honored. Official transcripts are ordered and processed through Parchment at: https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/56330195/institution.
Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are available at no cost to currently enrolled and active students who do not have an outstanding balance or unfulfilled obligation to the College. Unofficial transcripts are unavailable to other students (e.g., students with an outstanding balance, unfulfilled obligation, not currently enrolled or active); instead, such students must request an official transcript.
Students requiring an unofficial transcript must contact the Administration Office at their campus and submit an Unofficial Transcript Request Form. The Unofficial Transcript Form is available at https://www.jerseycollege.edu/student-resources. Unofficial transcripts will only be released directly to the requesting student.
Statement Regarding Diplomas
Graduates are advised that replacement diplomas will bear the “Jersey College” name. However; upon special request, the College will provide an official letter notifying third-parties of the name change from The Center for Allied Health & Nursing Education to Jersey College. Graduates are further advised that replacement diplomas will display the original date of the conferring of the diploma, but the signatures affixed to the diplomas may be current college officials.
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