"Current Millikan students or graduates, please make sure you input your name with Parchment the same way it is on our records in Synergy. If you have two last names in our system then that is how it has to be when you order. If your name is Nicholas you must put Nicholas and not Nick etc. Your name has to match exactly. If you have any questions, contact the Millikan Counseling Office. If you are having any problems with the Parchment system please contact Parchment directly. If you graduated or left Millikan High School before 2008 please continue through LBUSD Records Management Office, http://www.lbschools.net/Departments/Records_Management/.
All information about how to obtain a transcript will be provided on the LBUSD website."
Long Beach Schools - Records Management: Home - Records Management
The Long Beach Unified School District Records Management Office is responsible for the permanent archiving of student cumulative records of former LBUSD students.